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The Challenge

A group of primary teachers dealing with various stress related conditions; back pain, weight fluctuation and headaches and low self-image, aiming to improve their sense of well being and self control.


The Approach

If an unfamiliar engine noise in your car is ignored for weeks on end, before long the head gasket has blown and you need a new engine. It is a similar story with the body. Physical Intelligence raises awareness of the signals your body is sending you, and enables you to act on them to enhance your own performance. It enables you to manage your energy, and minimise the risk, over time, of serious health issues arising.


To raise awareness through Physical Intelligence, Breathing Techniques, Your ‘I’, Flexibility (MOT) and Posture Technque to improve body chemistry, image, energy renewal and motivation were all introduced. In addition, interspersing the day with a series of 1 minute exercises enabled participants to manage their energy, refuel and refresh, and develop resilience and endurance for the ‘heavy lifting’ of their working life.



“Being more aware of not clenching my teeth when stressed means I’ve got less headaches. This was all in the exercises about how to hold yourself and where you are tense, making sure that you don’t lock into this as it affects your feelings. I can honestly say that this is one of the parts of the programme that has stayed with me.

“Being more aware of not clenching my teeth when stressed means I’ve got less headaches. This was all in the exercises about how to hold yourself and where you are tense, making sure that you don’t lock into this as it affects your feelings. I can honestly say that this is one of the parts of the programme that has stayed with me."


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